Sensors, IoT and Supply Chain
Some years ago, when I was finishing a course about Oil & Gas industry technologies I wrote about Digital Oil Fields projects. At those projects the Oil & Gas Industry started to use sensors to meter temperature and pressure at Oil rigs & risers, generating data to be analyzed, stablishing present and predicting future behaviors. Usually the use of those sensors were supported by Oil Gas private networks installed at the rigs. Some years later, after the evolution of the network infrastructure and the vertiginous decreasing price of sensors, they have reached a lot of industries, including disaster relief, transportation, agroindustry, healthcare, procurement and also has spread to our vehicles, homes, etc. Seeing this evolution, The Gartner Group and other market players stablished a concept called IoT. “The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects that contain embedded technology to communicate and sense or interact with their...